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Service: By-law Complaint - Pets / Animal

Bylaw Compliance Department

Animal Services 

By-law Complaint - Animal  

BC-007 - 01-Jun-2023

The City of Burlington provides services for the education and enforcement of the City’s Animal Control By-law 60-2005 - “A by-law to regulate the licensing and keeping of dogs and the keeping of all other animals”. 

A detailed summary of the potential violation must be included.  The City of Burlington does not accept anonymous complaints. Please note that no personal information will be shared.
Cost and Methods of Payment

There is no cost for this service.

How to Obtain

To submit a concern/complaint, a detailed summary of the potential violation is required, as well as the complainant’s information in the event an officer needs to communicate further.

Submit your request by:

Phone – Service Burlington at 905-335-7777

On-line – Customer Web Portal 

Email – [email protected]

In-person – 2424 Industrial St (By appointment only)

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my information be disclosed?

  • No. All information captured is collected under FOI and is kept confidential.  Information is required in the event the officer requires follow up information in relation to the file.

Will the person be charged?

  • All investigations are case by case scenarios.  The officer will determine the appropriate steps required to mitigate any potential violations.

How long will this take?

  • All investigations are case by case scenarios.  The officer assigned to the file will continue to investigate until the scenario is resolved, the time required to resolve a file will vary based on the nature of the complaint.

Will I be informed of the outcome?

  • No. For privacy reason, we do not update you on the outcome.

What happens if an Animal attacks?

  • All bites or scratches from an animal that cause a break in skin must, by law, be reported immediately to Halton Region Public Health. If you have been bitten or scratched by an animal, especially if rabies is suspected, contact your doctor or your local health department immediately.
  • If your dog or cat is injured from a fight and you think it may have been bitten or scratched by a rabid animal:
    • Do not handle your pet. There may be fresh saliva from a rabid animal on its coat that may carry the rabies virus.
    • Isolate your pet.
    • Call your veterinarian and Service Burlington at 905-335-7777 right away.

Can I bring my animal into a facility?

  • You cannot bring animals into municipal buildings with signs prohibiting animals, except for:
    • Registered Service Animals - an animal is a service animal if it is readily apparent that the owner is using the animal for reasons relating to their disability. If it is not readily apparent, service providers may request proof from a health care professional that the animal is a service animal, or an ID card from the Ministry of the Attorney General. 

Can I bring my dog to the beach?

  • With the exception of Service Animals, you cannot bring dogs to any City-owned or operated beaches. This keeps our beaches clean and safe for both residents and visitors using them.
  • Dogs are not allowed in the water even during a heat event.

What are the leash laws?

  • No animals, including cats, are allowed to run at large in Burlington. If your pet is off your property, it must be on a (2 meter/6 ft) leash and led by a competent person. This helps keep your pet and other people safe.

Animals in parked cars.

  • To report an unattended pet in distress call 911 - Halton Region Police Service.
  • During the warm weather months, temperatures in parked cars can turn deadly in a matter of minutes. Please do not leave pets alone in the car, even if you parked the car in the shade or cracked the windows.
  • Only police have the authority to break a car window where a pet is in distress.
  • If you leave your pet unattended in a hot vehicle, you may face charges under the PAWS Act or the Criminal Code of Canada.
  • Learn more about hot weather pet safety.

Nuisance Barking

  • Any excessive barking/whining at anytime of the day is in contravention of Nuisance and Noise Control By-law.  To report a barking complaint contact (905)335-7777.

Restricted Animal Complaints (I.e. honey bees, goats, pigs, chickens ETC.)

  • Restricted animals are outlined in the City’s Animal Control By-law 60-2005. Restricted animals may be kept on land outside the Urban Planning Area, as defined by the City’s Official Plan. Any restricted animals kept within City limits may constitute a violation of the City’s Animal Control By-law 60-2005. If you are concerned about a restricted animal and would like to have an Officer investigate your complaint, please contact (905)335-7777.

Number of Animals allow in a residence

  • Any resident of the City of Burlington is allowed to own 4 animals whether that be cats or dogs. No more than 2 rabbits or 2 domestic rodents. Unless outside of the Urban Planning Area.  

Stoop and scoop

  • Please pick up after your dog. Dog feces contaminate beaches and other public spaces. They pose health hazards to children playing nearby and to other people and animals. Diseases and parasites can be transmitted by direct contact with dog feces. We can work together to keep our public spaces safe and clean by following these guidelines:
    • When you are out with your dog, carry a plastic bag
    • Pick up the droppings left by your dog using the bag
    • Place the bag in the nearest litter container and wash your hands as soon as possible.
  • You can report a Pet Owner when they do not clean up after their pet.
Related Information

By-laws and Animal Services - City of Burlington

Contact Us

Service Burlington hours of operation:  Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Call Us: 905-335-7777 | Toll Free: 1-877-213-3609

Email Us: [email protected]

Visit Our Website:





The City of Burlington provides services for the education and enforcement of the City’s Animal Control By-law 60-2005.

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